2025 Race Dates for Shenandoah Downs
Listed below are links to documents that contain information relating to the race meet. PLEASE OPEN AND READ ALL OF THEM! It is important that you know all of the rules and regulations contained on these documents.
VRC regulations regarding searches and prohibited practices
VRC Medication Withdrawl Guidelines
VRC Medication Fines & Penalties List
Direct Deposit Information
All purse checks for Shenandoah Downs, including stipend payments, will be made by direct deposit again this year. This will be the only method of payment for all owners, trainers and drivers. If you completed the forms last year, AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED, you must complete the Purse Authorization form. If you did not complete the W9 and Direct Deposit forms last year, or if your banking information has changed, you must complete the W9 and Direct Deposit forms. These forms can be faxed to 804-265-1436, emailed to bookkeeper@virginiaequinealliance.com, mailed to Carol Gill at PO Box 832; Mechanicsville, VA. 23111 or turned in at the race meet. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Warnick at 443-463-0917 or email info@vhha.net. Click the links below for each of the forms.
The Virginia Racing Commission has asked that we post the following information. Any licenses applied for before the meet can be picked up at the race meet. Applications can also be done at the meet.
The Virginia State Police have changed the requirements for identification before you can be fingerprinted. The list of required documentation can be found here. Please make sure you have the correct identification if you need to be fingerprinted.
All racing participants must be licensed by the Virginia Racing Commission and owners and trainers shall obtain a license prior to their horses running or they will be scratched by the Judges with no exceptions.
The license application and instructions may be obtained from the website www.vrc.virginia.gov by clicking on “Virginia Racing License” on the left-hand side of the homepage. An application and payment, if needed, may be emailed prior to the live meet to avoid waiting in line at the Commission office. There are no license fees and all participants will be issued a three-year license. Please note: All participants must be fingerprinted upon making their initial application and pay a $30 processing fee. Participants with a record of recently being fingerprinted in Virginia will normally not have to go through the process again. Once an application is completed, signed, and dated, it can be scanned with a completed credit card verification form, if needed, and emailed to VRClicense@vrc.virginia.gov.
Please call (804) 966-7415 with any questions concerning the licensing process or requirements.
Information and forms for licensing can be found by clicking here.