The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 5:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Those present in person were: Scott Woogen, Betsy Brown, Billy Carter, Stacey McLenghan, Anne McDonald, Tyler Shehan, Darrell Wood and Debbie Warnick. Those present by phone were Charlie Robbins and Leon Harris. A quorum was declared.
MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the meeting held on July 25, 2023 were reviewed and approved as written.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report for September 2023 was reviewed.
There was no old business
Item 1. Election of Officers
The following board members were nominated to serve as officers for the coming year: Scott Woogen- President; Charlie Robbins- Vice President and Betsy Brown- Treasurer. It was moved and seconded to accept these nominations. The motion carried unanimously.
Item 2. Track Conditions
There was discussion about the deteriorating condition of the track. Scott and Darrell will have a meeting with JD to discuss it.
Item 3. Race Issues
There continues to be problems with the races and the draws. There was a lot of discussion about the issues. Scott and Darrell will have another meeting with Dee to discuss the problems.
Item 4. Three Year Old Breeders Fund races
Debbie brought up the issue we will have with the Breeders Fund and Sired Stakes races starting in 2025. There will not be enough days in the fall meet to race all the races and still have overnight races. It was suggested that we move the three year old races to the spring meet starting in 2025.The fee payment schedule will be changed to $300 nomination payment due in March and $300 due as starting fee. It was moved and seconded that these changes be accepted. The motion carried unanimously.
As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Warnick
Executive Director